What Not to Do – vinyl Wrap Edition

POV: You just left Evolve Graphics and Design with a fresh new wrap. You’re excited because your vehicle now has super human strength in protecting from harsh elements and all things bad. You think you can get to the “married for 10 years” comfort level and laziness with your car – you know what I’m talking about (self-care & relationship effort).

Yes, I said what I said and I’m sorry if you feel personally attacked by that, but maybe you should treat your SO to a homemade dinner then 🙂

I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but that shit won’t fly. Here are some things you CANNOT do:

Let bird poop sit on your vinyl: Did you know bird poop is so acidic, it will eat through vinyl in under 36 hours? In other words, clean that crap off ASAP. Give your car a nice bath, or at minimum, spot clean with 70% rubbing alcohol on a rag, but clean it off!

Automatic car washes: We wrap all our vehicles with the intention of nothing peeling, HOWEVER, let’s not put it through unnecessary trauma. Automatic car wash brushes are usually very dirty, and when those brushes hit your car, that can most definitely leave some scratches in the vinyl. Non-deep scratches will come out by leaving your car in the sun, or heating up with a heat gun, however, you should not rely on that.

Use a hair dryer or heat gun to dry your car: Hair dryers give off heat and push out the perfect amount of air to dry your hair, but not your car. A much better alternative would be a soft microfiber rag, compressor, or really anything else.

Not wash your car: When you don’t wash your car, the life of the vinyl goes downhill….FAST. If you don’t wash the vinyl, it will crack and fade. Besides, being dirty is not always a welcomed thing.

Spill Gas: Not only should you not be wasting any bit of gas with the prices they are at, but gas is toxic and not to be dramatic, but it will stain and dissolve your wrap if not properly cleaned off. Spot cleaning with 70% of rubbing alcohol on a rag is always a safe bet, but giving your car a wash is the best bet to neutralize it.

Park your car in direct hit of sprinklers: Just as you don’t want your lawn to be brown, you don’t want hard water spots on your vinyl. The water coming out of your lawn sprinklers isn’t the softest, mineral-free water, and when it hits the same location on your car 2-3x a week – maybe even more – you will start to see water spots. Unfortunately, the only way to avoid water spots is to keep your car out of the sprinklers way.

This list of what not to do is pretty standard across the board – whether you have vinyl, paint, ceramic, or paint protection film. For any care questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us and we will guide you on the proper way to take care of your car!